Romans: God never shuts the Door on the Repentant
Kyle Johnson   -  

Kenneth Harste

Fri, Sep 6, 3:20 PM (5 days ago)

Romans II: God Never Shuts the Door on Those Who Are Repentant!

Some days it is harder than others to believe that God is still in charge of this world! The news seems stranger than fiction. One of the members said to me just last week, “stop the world, I want to get off!” As I write this, Joanne and I are waiting for a flight home from San Fransico. You do not have to look far in this city to come to the belief that it might be time for God to bring us home.

As Paul writes to the Romans, he is establishing an argument that the new believers, the gentile believers, are the receivers of the promise in every bit of way as God’s people of old, the Israelites. In fact, he calls them the children of Israel. As he does so in the beginning of chapter 11 of Romans, he expresses his great disappointment over his own people, the Jews. He also reminds them and us, that God accepts the repentant believer. God accepts the one who bends the knee to his Lordship and repents of his wrong.

Our world does not like the word sin. To them, to say someone is sinful, is to express judgment or place judgment on them. Yet, Jesus himself, stated that our world already stands condemned. The only purpose we, or St. Paul has in discussing sin, is to open the door to God’s grace and demonstrate that his grace is available to all who own their sin and receive Christ’s leadership for their lives. Join us this Sunday at 10am, as we hear again of God’s amazing grace.


-Pastor Ken