Here I Stand: Facing Lions
Kyle Johnson   -  
The culture at large is celebrating Sin this month. How do we respond? How does God respond to sin? There are two halves to this response. First, that Sin is offensive. All sin is offensive to God and mankind. A man pretending to be a woman, a woman screaming obscenities in public, or a crucifix in a jar of urine (what passed as “art”) is offensive. Even if no one hears or sees our sin, it is still an offense to God. Second, that there is only one answer to Sin: The Cross, God’s grace poured out in the Blood of Jesus. The answer is not to accept sin or glorify it for a month. The answer is the covering of sin (mine, yours, everyone’s no matter what sin it is) because it is offensive. Only by the covering of the Blood and forgiveness of Sin can we live in peace with God. The Cross must be our response to sin. Join us Sunday as we explore this more with our Sermon Series: Here I Stand.
-Vicar Kyle